BABY FEVER You’re getting ANOTHER $1,400 stimulus check if you had a baby in 2021
Post Date: 12/28/2021 Last Updated: 12/28/2021
NEW parents might have missed out on dependent stimulus checks in 2021, but those with newborns are eligible for the $1,400 stimulus checks in the new year, as well as the expanded child tax credit payment.
NEW parents might have missed out on dependent stimulus checks in 2021, but those with newborns are eligible for the $1,400 stimulus checks in the new year, as well as the expanded child tax credit payment.
Parents received payments for dependents under the American Rescue Plan, which means $1,400 was paid out for each child. However, some couples had not welcomed their newborn when the American Rescue Plan was enacted.
Eligible families will need to file their 2021 tax returns next year.
They will receive their stimulus payment once the tax return is processed.
Those parents will then be eligible to declare their new dependent upon filing their 2021 taxes.
It should be noted that there is no limit to the number of new dependents claimed, meaning that parents who welcomed more than one newborn will be able to receive multiple payments.
There were around 3.6million births in 2020, with the number expected to be fairly similar for this year.

What is Biden's American Rescue Plan?
Biden's emergency legislative package will fund vaccinations, provide immediate and direct relief to families suffering from the Covid-19 crisis, and support struggling communities.
The president's plan will mount a national vaccination program, contain Covid-19 and safely reopen schools.
The program will set up community vaccination sites nationwide, scale up testing and tracing, and providing paid sick leave to contain spread of the virus among other issues.
The legislation will also tackle the necessary investments to meet Biden's goal of safely reopening a majority of the K-8 schools during his first 100 days in office.